The damsel in black high-heels is attempting out standing on the head, but you cant indeed see it that well from the side camera angle. You can see, however, the guys bruised forearm from her stepping on it with her high-heeled shoes. The dame in stockings attempts standing on his head, and she seems a bit better at it. We switch places and now its my turn again to lie under the carpet. But before I was able to wrap myself up, I was tested without the protective covering. She liked it so much that the moment I packaged myself up, she commenced to walk all over me again. When I desired to showcase her with my arms where the best spot to step on was, she simply stepped on my forearms and that was that. Even the waitress approached us and asked if she can attempt because she said she was watching us and really liked it but she never stepped on anyone before now was her chance. One thing that really hurt was when this girl didnt want to step on me and tried to go around me but she ended up stepping on the pinky finger of my right hand with her heel. I made a close-up of that scene. Then we decided to take group photos of the four girls standing on top of us. They were standing there a long time and posed well for the photographer I dont have the photos. Unfortunately, she crushed the rug so much that you can only see the top part of the shoes. Then I asked one of them to stand and dig in her heels really hard. Even though it was through the carpet, it still hurt bad. Then we pose for photos again, this time with three girls. In this part I was trampled 43 times and my friend 15 times. Time: 24. 13 min.
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